Taking care of your new color at home
Many people walk out of my salon feeling like a million bucks
but how many take the steps to maintain that beautiful color?
I'm sad to say not so many, I've had many a client come back
to me with their hair burnt up from the sun , salt water, well water, and the wind. What are some steps clients can take to
maintain their hair better you might ask. The first step is buying great products. Some people will never buy professional shampoo that's just a fact. I often say would you buy a cashmere sweater and wash it in dish detergent? That usually helps most people make that mental connection on how important home care is to the life of their color but as I'm a stubborn human being I often attract the same clientele. Another thing to consider is lifestyle, are you active ? Do you go to the gym everyday and wash your hair just as frequently? Are you an avid swimmer and dip your blond locks in chlorine two or three times a week? These are things that are often forgotten when making color choices at the salon but they are not to be overlooked. Therefore, you must treat your locks with the utmost care to get the best results. So on top of buying the right products what are some other things you can do to extend the life of the color? Wash less frequently or wash the root area only. Long locks need natural oil to look their best there's no need to strip them everytime you wash. If you feel like your hair is too greasy you can try dry shampoo and also brushing helps more than anything. What's another trick to get the most out of your color? Condition condition condition. Not only should you be using a daily conditioner but also a once a week treatment and also a great leave in. Here in the Florida sun your hair needs more moisture yes even though its humid than in other areas of the country so keep that in mind the next time you shampoo.